General Surgery
ETM Course Gold Coast
Medical Professional
+ 1 more.
3 days
ETM Course was launched in November 2013 and brings a fresh approach to the teaching of trauma manag...
Provider: Emergency Trauma Management
The Cutting Edge: Advanced Hand Surgery for GPs
1 day
This unique, highly practical cadaveric dissection skills training workshop is designed to equip GPs...
Provider: CTEC - Clinical Training & Evaluation Centre
St Vincent’s Head and Neck Dissection Course
2 days
This comprehensive hands-on course incorporates didactic teaching and lab sessions covering the brea...
Provider: St Vincent's Hospital Sydney
The Cutting Edge: Proceduralist Obstetrics and Gynaecological Skills
1 day
This is a hands-on skills training workshop utilising simulation models, and is designed to assist G...
Provider: CTEC - Clinical Training & Evaluation Centre
Core Skills: Workshop in Neck Dissection for Thyroid Carcinoma
1 day
This highly practical cadaveric workshop features concurrent full day Surgical Trainee level and Con...
Provider: CTEC - Clinical Training & Evaluation Centre
Core Skills: Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
1 day
This workshop aims to provide participants the opportunity to enhance their knowledge of more comple...
Provider: CTEC - Clinical Training & Evaluation Centre
Core Skills: Gynaecological Hysteroscopy, Laparoscopy and Open Surgery
1 day
This workshop is aimed at those in the first few years of specialist training who have demonstrated...
Provider: CTEC - Clinical Training & Evaluation Centre
The Cutting Edge: Advanced Skin Procedures
1 day
This workshop is aimed at GPs with a higher than average level of skill in surgery who have access t...
Provider: CTEC - Clinical Training & Evaluation Centre
Core Skills: Microsurgical Skills and Anastomotic Techniques
1 day
This highly practical workshop will provide the participants with sustained hands-on experience in a...
Provider: CTEC - Clinical Training & Evaluation Centre
The Cutting Edge: Introductory Wound Suturing
1 day
CTEC’s The Cutting Edge: Introductory Wound Suturing is a highly practical workshop aiming to intr...
Provider: CTEC - Clinical Training & Evaluation Centre
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