Orthopaedic Surgery
Plastering, Casting and Slabbing Workshop
Medical Professional
+ 1 more.
1 day
The ECT4Health Plastering, Casting and Slabbing workshop is a full day hands-on practical seminar on...
Provider: ECT4Health
Plastering, Casting and Slabbing Workshop
Medical Professional
+ 1 more.
1 day
The ECT4Health Plastering, Casting and Slabbing workshop is a full day hands-on practical seminar on...
Provider: ECT4Health
Injection Therapies For Low Back Pain
1 day
A workshop for doctors wanting to boost their skills and confidence in treating Low Back Pain with P...
Provider: AAMM - Australian Association of Musculoskeletal Medicine
Assessment And Management Of Low Back Pain
1 day
A learning module for doctors wanting to boost their skills and confidence in managing low back pain...
Provider: AAMM - Australian Association of Musculoskeletal Medicine
The Cutting Edge: Advanced Hand Surgery for GPs
1 day
This unique, highly practical cadaveric dissection skills training workshop is designed to equip GPs...
Provider: CTEC - Clinical Training & Evaluation Centre
Core Skills: Microsurgical Skills and Anastomotic Techniques
1 day
This highly practical workshop will provide the participants with sustained hands-on experience in a...
Provider: CTEC - Clinical Training & Evaluation Centre
Emergency Medicine Symposium 2024
3 days
Emergency Medicine Symposium endeavours to create a collegial environment that promotes lively discu...
Provider: I Global Faculty
Musculoskeletal Assessment
A short online course on Musculoskeletal Assessment for remote health workers, which can be complete...
Provider: CRANAplus
Management of Arthritis in the Foot and Ankle. A focus on the Ankle and Great Toe
Learning outcomes include describing the nuances of the surgical options related to arthritis of the...
Provider: Cabrini Health Ltd.
Management of Arthritis in the Foot and Ankle. A focus on the Ankle and Great Toe
Learning outcomes include describing the nuances of the surgical options related to arthritis of the...
Provider: Cabrini Health Ltd.
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